Tuesday 1 March 2011

Belieber at Omegle! lol

Saking bosennya ga tau mau ngapain akhirnya Omegle-an. Dan.... ketemu belieber! Mau tau chatnya kaya gimana? Nih! Cekidot!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hey
You: hey
You: asl?
Stranger: 16 girl u
You: from?
You: 14 f indonesia here
Stranger: turkey
Stranger: and
Stranger: do u love jb
Stranger: ?
You: yaaaa really love!
Stranger: me too he is realy hot
You: but I do not really follow the info about him
You: he's so handsome rite, he's my ex boyfriend lol
Stranger: ahah u are kidding
Stranger: u are realy funny lol
Stranger: :D
You: hmmmm
Stranger: what
Stranger: he 16 near 17 u are just 14
Stranger: :D
You: but he's pick me to be he's favorite girl :D
Stranger: ahaha okay do u have fb account
Stranger: ?
You: no i dont, do u have yahoo acount? or twitter?
You: what a great song to be heard today?
Stranger: twitter
You: username?
Stranger: parodysisters100
You: r u belieber?
Stranger: nno
Stranger: no
You: whats ur name?
Stranger: pernilla urs
Stranger: ?
You: Nilnes on ur twitter rite? i gonna follow u, mind to follow me back?
Stranger: okay
Stranger: but tweet
You: what?
Stranger: wait a sec
Stranger: whats ur name
Stranger: on twitter
You: @aimura__
Stranger: wait
You: i've been following u
Stranger: okay I see
You: follow me back yaaa
Stranger: I follow u
You: oke thx, nice 2 meet u :)
Stranger: me too
Stranger: :D
You: see u at twitter ya :)
Stranger: okay but
Stranger: justin didnt follow u,ΓΌ
Stranger: u*
You: yaaaaa but he's follow my heart lol
Stranger: ahaha u are realy funny
You: what do u think bout selena and justin?
Stranger: selena is not very beautiful for justin
You: justin left me because of Selena lol
Stranger: dont be sad but I think u are just silly of justin
Stranger: I think
Stranger: u dont
Stranger: speak with
Stranger: him
You: hahaha only a dream if i met justin
Stranger: right
Stranger: ?
Stranger: so u are kidding right
Stranger: ?
You: whether you've met with him?
Stranger: no but I went to his concert I must go bye dude see u on twitter
Stranger: bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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